Projet BeGood Nextérité

Feedback on the 4 webinars of the Be-Good project

We have already talked about that Nextérité is a player in the European project “BeGood”. Its objective is to generate value from open data. Since 2016, it has brought together eight communities or public organizations from Northern Europe, under the leadership of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure.

Following the major floods that paralyzed part of their territory, Loiret and Orléans Métropole joined the BeGood project and jointly wished to take up the challenge of ensuring the “Continuity of the traffic of people and goods in real time”, whatever the conditions and constraints.

“…send information quickly to the citizens, before everyone converges to the same places, goes to work, how to send this information?…”

Christian Braux
2nd vice-president of the Loiret department and former mayor of Saint-Cyr-en-Val and former deputy vice-president of Orléans Métropole (2015 to 2020)

In order to cope with these traffic continuity issues, Nextérité responded to this call for tenders from BeGood.

The objective was to aggregate and restore in real time the data on accidents, works, traffic, throughout the territory (Loiret department and Orleans metropolis) and regardless of the mode of travel of users.

This was the birth of our ViaPro application which aggregates data from various national and local players (territory managers, cities, crisis managers, construction companies, public transport, Waze, Social Networks, etc.).

One of the challenges is to recover the “precious data” which is collected by a certain number of traffic actors. A win-win partnership must be established with both public and private actors, such as rescue services, construction companies, or Waze, which has data that ViaPro does not have and which in exchange needs data that ViaPro collects, to improve traffic information for Wazers.

The data must also be imported and exported in a common format.

“… we wanted to be an actor rather than a spectator, to have a tool that could respond to our staff needs,…, both site manager and worker”

Aymeric Seguin
Regional Director of Eurovia

With the help of regional agents and Eurovia field staff, we have developed a simple and intuitive interface to report road disruptions, the start and end of construction sites or exceptional events in real time. This information is reported and processed by our ViaPro application. Once validated, they are available to road managers and returned in multimodal mode for residents and users on ViaFacil and existing apps.

“… an application that allows you to have a picture, at a given time, of all construction sites.”

Aymeric Seguin
Regional Director of Eurovia

This innovative project has made it possible to bring together the various players in traffic information, to inform users in real time, to ensure the safety of road worksites by warning users of their presence.
It should be noted that an additional, unformulated challenge has been fully met: that of public/private collaboration.

We continue to work and improve the applications with the Loiret department, in particular for crisis management on the side of security stakeholders but also for users to inform them. On the other hand, Orléans Métropole continues to involve road construction companies operating in their area to optimize the use of ViaPro.

Nextérité thanks all the people working on this project for their trust and collaboration.

You can find all 4 webinars online, which address the other challenges and building blocks of the Be-Good project:

Speech by Edith Nuss
webinar 2: 14’10; 59’10
webinar 3: 17’32; 52′